Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I did do it

Here's a link to an editorial by Maureen Dowd that I thought was really interesting and quite provocative.

Did anyone else who watched the USC vs. Nebraska football game get as annoyed as I did with ABC's coverage of Clarence Thomas watching the game in his skybox?

An inordinate amount of time (while the game was being played) was devoted to an interview with Justice Thomas and his interest in the Cornhuskers. It was bizarre and made me really angry. I really can't stand the fact that he is treated with such honor and grace, two qualities that he has shown to be lacking.


Jamie P said...

Wow. I read that article. VERY provocative but obviously necessary. Has Dowd gotten any backlash from it yet? I'm sure Conservatives will be writing in any minute now...

Lindsay said...

Yeah, pretty shocking. I haven't heard what type of response she's gotten. I'm sure it is very mixed.