Monday, October 8, 2007

Six seconds.

I think the camera is having seizure-like tendencies in its reaction to the bass. Or maybe that's part of my dance move.


laura h said...

maybe it was just having reactions to that blonde girl performer on the stage who was so serious. i know i was.
p.s. another amazing thing was that girl talk wore a hooded sweat shirt for about half the set even though he was enveloped by a sea of crazy drunk sweaty dancers all smashing into him

Lindsay said...

Yeah, that girl was weird. Maybe she thought she stumbled into Club MTV. In that lighting (and with the hooded sweatshirt, not to mention the strobe effect), I could see how Girl Talk could be mistaken with Downtown Julie Brown.

I'm eating Cinnamon Sun Chips, by the way. They're new. They're okay. A mixture of salty and sweet.