Monday, October 8, 2007

Talk 'n Deacon

That would be a good name for a band. Unfortunately it is only short for Girl Talk and Dan Deacon, two turntablist performers who master of ceremony'd a crowded, sweaty dance party at the Echoplex last weekend. Fun times. Dancing is awesome. Dancing with hundreds of sweaty Los Angelenos is also awesome.

Laura and Dennis dancin' and sweatin' it up.

I'm droppin' 'bows. (Dance lingo decoder not included in this post.)

P.S. If you ever read this -- Thanks Dennis!


laura h said...

what fun we had that evening, though what a test it was. dancing to 3 back to back sets (2 = very high energy and demanding) beginning at 11pm after standing in a line and then around a bar for an hour and a half at our age is a bit rough. but oh how worth it it was. my only regret was lindsay NOT getting into the center of the circle for D. Deacon's dance contest. his rule # 1 was: "sassy as fuck". am i allowed to swear on Anyway, i think linds easily takes that category.

Jamie P said...

Hey! I recognize your shirt Lindsay! I wonder where you got it...oh right, with ME at the U of M (yeah, we call it that. Do you have a problem with it? That's what I thought).

Lindsay said...

Laura, I want to thank you for your confidence in me and for now making this a PG-13 blog. It could use the street cred.

I'm hoping that by having proof of once being young and having the energy will ease the transition that I am already feeling...but maybe it will just make it all the more depressing?

Lindsay said...

It's a great shirt for dressing up without the extra effort. A bowtie always spruces up an outfit...especially when it's one-dimensional.