Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Daytrotter Sessions

Free songs can be found here from Whispertown 2000's Daytrotter session. A few of them are new and unreleased.

Daytrotter is a cool site that offers music from their live, in-studio sessions with bands. The studio is located in Rock Island, Illinois. Go Illinois! They have 3 bands in per week and each record 4 songs that they offer up to the cyberworld. They've had a lot of great musicians stop through, and they keep them archived. They seem to have a lot of cool, down to earth people on staff and feature the work of different artists too. Check it out when you can if you haven't already.

Tilly and the Wall stopped by for an encore performance in September. Their songs (including two unreleased ones and one off their old Woo EP) can be found here. Too Excited is awesome, they played it the other night (Pictures of Houses too) and it was really great and energetic live. Kianna sounds a little like two of my all-time favorite singers in the song - in the opening she sounds kind of like Corin Tucker and then in the chorus ("Boo hoo") she channels Bikini Kill-era Kathleen Hanna. I'm not one for comparisons, and to even mention either one of those names in conjunction with a different band or singer is near sacrilegious because of my reverance for both of those singers, but that's what really struck me when I heard this. So that's a big compliment from me to Tilly. I'm super excited for them to start working on their next album.

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