Monday, October 1, 2007

Weekend Update

A lot of exciting things have happened since I last posted. I went to L.A. I returned to Omaha. I made a pillow. I watched 24. I took photos. I finished watching Season 1 of 30 Rock. I watched the premiere of The Office. I laughed. I saw Clark Duke from Clark and Michael. I almost finished Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss. I read interesting articles on Leica cameras, a man with a rare and debilitating form of amnesia, and the woman who started Paper magazine. I tried on Clarks shoes and broke my other new shoes in.

I saw a lot of friends. I/we hung out. I/we danced. I/we listened to music. I/we ate a lot of good food. I/we had Pinkberry. I/we took walks with Rufus and went to the dog park. I hung out with Sylvia and Zelda. I could tell they missed me.

I am too exhausted, I think, to post many photos. However, I will leave you with a photo that gives off a feeling of L.A. as I feel it. You feel me?


Jamie P said...

You saw Clark?!?! Where? Tell me the story!

Jeff said...

It was fun seeing you and Rufus and having French toast, again. It has been a while...

since I've had French toast.

laura h said...

we had a time.

Lindsay said...

Jamie: I will tell you about it in an undisclosed location. His privacy is important to his work, I feel.

Jeff: Yeah, I had such a great time...

eating French toast.

Laura: Are you Angela or Rayanne?