Tuesday, January 8, 2008

is that really how you're going to end it? really?

The 24 watching crew and I have finished our marathon. Jack had us at "damn it" in that first episode of Season 1 in summer and we've stayed by his satchel-carrying, tight jeans-wearing side through to the finale of Season 6 tonight. It's been a long and bumpy (and sometimes nauseous) ride and now we've made it to the end (so far). I feel a sense of accomplishment even if it means that I'm one step closer to defending the Patriot Act.

I was holding my breath until the last minute, when I promptly exhaled and muttered the title statement above. The stalled Season 7 better bring some excitement. I have hopes that they will inject (metaphorically and literally) some thrills, especially with the addition of Janeane Garofalo and Cherry Jones to the cast, as well as the prospect of the return of a dearly beloved character who shall remain nameless. All I'm saying is that a) they have to make up for that lackluster ending and b) I'm waiting for a seemingly inconceivable plot twist of Lazarus proportions, I'm waiting for that Chicago Cubs coffee mug to be sitting on a desk in CTU. Now if the Producers would only end this Writers Strike...


Erin said...

The writers really should have had Jack just shoot down a seagull with his trademark "damn it!" Or even "shut up stupid" would have sufficed (seagulls should be told to shut up so I wouldn't have blamed him). I hope that the 7th season starts on time--it's so strange not having Jack to share my nights with!

laura h said...

i think you should write a "Really?!?!? With Seth & Amy" bit about the season 6 ending and send it into SNL for Weekend Update...maybe they'd pay you freelance.

Jamie P said...

I think you are taking some comments from CNN politics with the whole Lazarus mention.

But I totally agree with you. I was disappointed with the way it ended...come on season 7!

Lindsay said...

I second the shot seagull scenario. That would have been so much cooler.

I don't want to see a melodramatic, sensitive Jack in despair. Jack responds to sadness and despair with a swift kick to someone's gut, a smack across their head with his gun and some good old-fashioned torture. Now that's what I want to see.

I'm glad you got the Seth and Amy inspiration. That's who I was picturing saying it. And that is the level of my exasperation. However, I don't think that getting blacklisted by the WGA is the right career move at this point. Maybe not the step in the right direction.