Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Sunshine State

I am writing from the Omaha's Eppley airport, where my plane is currently delayed an hour. I'm flying to Florida for the weekend. I am very excited to be in warm weather, though I've gotten fairly attached to my rotation of scarves, so they will be missed. I am also looking forward to seeing family and relaxing.

In other good news, a film studies class that I proposed looks like it's going to be a go for the upcoming semester. I hope I'm not jinxing it by writing before it's official, but things are looking good. I've always wanted to teach a film critical studies course and be able to choose which films to screen and what topics, theories and genres to cover, so this is really exciting for me. Especially since most of my students won't have seen any of the films before, and hopefully will be exposed to some interesting stuff that they wouldn't normally seek out themselves and give them a greater appreciation for the art form.

Oh, and an article I wrote on Slumber Party Records for The Reader comes out today. I wasn't able to pick up a copy, so I hope someone can pick up a copy for me to see when I return. Maybe I'll check around in the airport for one, now that I think about it. It should also be up on their site sometime soon.

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