Monday, January 21, 2008


The Bemis. Photo taken at an earlier, less snowy date.

Saturday was a cold, snowy day but Jamie, Erin, Sean and I made it out to the Bemis (Jamie and I made the trip twice, in fact). The following photos were taken from an exhibit/show titled "Visual Art by Musicians." Let me know if that isn't descriptive enough. If you want to see a list of all the artists featured, just click on the Bemis link above.

Some artwork. Left by Derek Presnall (Tilly and the Wall), right by Kianna Alarid (Tilly and the Wall).

Photos by Nick Zinner (Yeah Yeah Yeahs).

Artwork by Jacob Thiele (The Faint).

Jamie admiring the antics of Derek Presnall, captured on video.

Flowers Forever. They are a great live band, Derek has a lot of energy and fashionable accessories, a killer combination. Their upcoming CD is coming out on Team Love February 5 (out in stores Feb. 19, pre-order available now).

You can download three songs at Team Love.

Fourth of July. From Lawrence, Kansas. She's In Love is a super catchy song, and they closed with it.


laura h said...

wow. looks like a lot is happenin in omaha, from family to snugglebees world domination to constant cultural outlets. makes us out in l.a. really have to work to keep up. does taking 8 different viewings to watch bottle rocket in full work in my favor?

Lindsay said...

Yeah, L.A....where is that again?