Tuesday, January 22, 2008

lowering the bar

I am discovering a new phenomenon brought on by Rock Band. No, it's not wrist fatigue and back aches, although I have fallen prone to both. I have found myself actually liking songs by The Killers and Weezer, two bands who I had what could best be described as an elitist attitude toward prior to this obsession with Rock Band. When You Were Young by The Killers? Killer song (pun intended). I find myself singing, "He doesn't look a thing like Jesus, But he talks like a gentleman, Like you imagined when you were young" nearly every day.

I fear that I will soon be buying the new Flyleaf album and hiding it in my closet. Or maybe I will invest in the South Park created band Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld. I see dark things in my musical future.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Yep, I have the same problem. Jamie and I were singing "Gimme Shelter" yesterday to the point where I asked Jamie to serenade me (we listened to the actual song but I found out that it isn't the same without Jamie's enchanting vocals)