Friday, August 24, 2007


I have been very cognizant lately of how much water I use while brushing my teeth and washing my face at night before bed. I have been turning the water off while brushing my teeth for a little while now so as not to waste water. However, I am becoming increasingly stringent with myself and have become to feel very guilty any time I use more than a light stream for a few seconds.

While this in itself is a good habit, the problem is that this does not allow enough time for the water to warm up. This is a minor (and excessive) complaint compared to the many across the world who do not even have access to safe, healthy water for drinking and cooking. However, I do miss the warm water that used to soften my toothbrush bristles and the comfort and soothing nature of the warm water splashing on my tired face and eyes.

I suppose I can settle on giving myself the luxury every now and then. What I just realized is that I should try to time this nightly ritual to occur right after someone else has used the water and warmed it up for me. See how helpful blog writing can be? You can come up with possible solutions to your minor, privileged problems and broadcast this banal, internal back and forth for the rest of the public to read. I'm going to think positively and hope that this provides a helpful tip to others out there who have been grappling with this same problem.


Jeff said...

The way I get some nice soft bristles on my toothbrush is to use a really old toothbrush... like from eighth grade.

Jeff said...

Also, I would like to add that this post is enlightening to me. As a person growing up in L.A., I'm completely ignorant about water conservation in other states. I just assumed it was a California thing. I've also assumed that families in the Midwest gather around the toilet in the evening and take turns flushing it for fun.

Lindsay said...

That's what I used to do for fun, but now I play racquetball.