Possibly my favorite purchase from our D.C. trip. I bought it at Mt.Vernon, George Washington's estate. He probably had this awesome t-shirt in one of his dresser drawers.
It looks like you are posing for your war portrait! (in 'cold mountain-esque' southern accent) "if you're marchin, stop marchin'. Come back to me lindsay. Come back to me."
This t-shirt would make George's day easier. Instead of having to put on all those layers, all he has to do is throw a t-shirt on and he still commands the attention of every soldier.
It looks like you are posing for your war portrait! (in 'cold mountain-esque' southern accent) "if you're marchin, stop marchin'. Come back to me lindsay. Come back to me."
End scene.
You can just mail me my oscar now.
This t-shirt would make George's day easier. Instead of having to put on all those layers, all he has to do is throw a t-shirt on and he still commands the attention of every soldier.
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