Monday, August 13, 2007

The hapless Ms. Botwin

Weeds Season 3 airs tonight. I'll be watching, especially after the cliffhanger ending of Season 2. I've said that I thought Weeds is fairly radical in that its premise is basically about a bad mother (JC, your idea has been pre-empted somewhat). It's not that Nancy doesn't care for and love her kids (she does) or try (again, she does). She simply fails at being a good parent most of the time. And that is interesting, especially since she is a single mother. Even more interesting because she is white, rich and looks like Mary Louise-Parker.

I do take issue with the show occasionally, but I think it does push the boundaries -- and I'm not talking about Showtime/profanity/nudity/dark comedy/"look, a white, suburban woman is selling drugs" boundaries. The show raises questions about motherhood, parenting, maternal instincts. It questions the depiction we so often see of the struggling, yet competent, ultimately unselfish mother. Nancy doesn't always tell her kids where she is, she doesn't stress the value of education, she doesn't set boundaries, she leaves a lot of the parenting up to equally incompetent figures such as her brother-in-law Andy, she makes poor decisions, she says she must sell drugs to provide for her family and keep up their lifestyle, but then she splurges on luxury gifts for herself, she's unpredictable and unreliable. Most of the time she is trying, but Nancy also straight-up gives up sometimes. She is deeply flawed, and thus comes across more as a real and complicated person. There are very few characters on the show that I actually like, yet in this case, that's kind of what makes the show interesting.

So I was very excited to read a short review in the N.Y. Times this morning titled, "Is Motherhood Noble Work? Not in the World of 'Weeds.'" This article pretty much summed up what I've been thinking and saying all along. I feel vindicated (though no one was questioning my observations, maybe supported is a better word) and offer this up as further proof that I feel I should be writing for the entertainment section of a newspaper. If I was still in college, I would write a whole essay on this, with concrete examples from episodes elucidating these insights. Maybe I still will. In the meantime, I will be tuning in to see how Nancy is going to get out of the mess she's in.


Jamie P said...

We'll have to watch it sometime today.

Jeff said...

That's okay that they STOLE my idea. I have another brilliant idea for another show. No one will copy me, because it's completely absurd. This one will take place in REAL TIME. The whole 24 1-hour episode season will take place over 24 hours. And it will be about a counter terrorist agent, named Mack Muscle. His main job is to find Osama bin Laden. And so for the whole season, he'll be sitting in an office next to his telephone, waiting for the President to give him some orders. But here's the kick... they NEVER come! The show will be called "Bad President." It'll be a hit.

Lindsay said...

I'd watch "Bad President." It sounds oddly realistic.

I still want to promote my version of 24 in which one episode details waking up, brushing teeth, getting paper, reading paper, eating cereal. The cliffhanger would be: will they finish the crossword?

Other exciting episode plot developments will include: taking out the dog, going to the bathroom, snacking, checking e-mail, answering a call (is it a solicitor or a terrorist posing as one?).

You get the idea. Look for an episode to be released before September.

laura h said...

what about the tv show that i want to see start this sept? it stars lauren graham and alexis beldel as an unstoppable mother-daughter duo chock full of wit, fun, sass and heart. also, in case your wondering what music show i'd most want to see, here is a hint: it involves 3 ferocious gals, leg kicks, windmills, jumps, occasional banter, jokes from the drummer, screams, yells, smiles, and always, a call to arms. oh, i think jeff's recent blog entries (in addition to season 3 of gilmore that has had nightly viewings and a recent peruse through my photo library) have sent me into a whirlwind of nostalgia. without getting too emotional: why do good things never want to stay?

Lindsay said...

Hey, wait a second. That sounds pretty familiar. Wouldn't it be great though if the theme song was sung by Carole King and her daughter?

By the way, what's the status on that Gilmore movie?

Jeff said...

About the Gilmore movie...

AS-P: "I think if the stars align we can do it. I'd love to work with that cast one more time. Dan and I would write something great. It would mean a lot to us." Her hubby, Dan Palladino, added, "I think you wait a couple years. Wait a couple years. Make sure there's some interest."

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