Wednesday, August 29, 2007

24 Marathon

We've got 8 episodes left to finish Season 3. I leave for Wisconsin on Friday. Jamie and Erin leave for Minnesota on Saturday. Will we make it? The countdown begins. Cue dramatic clock ticking sound effects...


Jeff said...

Judging by your 24 obsession, I think you'll make it.

What are you doing in Wisconsin?

Jamie P said...

We totally can Lindsay. Plus I have faith we'll also be able to fit in: Harold and Maude, Roman Holiday, plus the two (or three?) episodes of Weeds we still need to watch.

Lindsay said...

Jeff, I'm going to Wisconsin for Caroline (Laura's sister) and Jon's wedding. And Jamie and Erin are insisting that they continue their so-called education. Who needs a diploma these days?

Jamie, Harold and Maude is a must. I really think my idea of conference call 24 watching could work.