Thursday, June 12, 2008

how do you spell storm in hopelandic?

Sigur Ros played at the Orpheum last night. Once again, storms and tornados hit Omaha. Cody and I drove downtown to the wonderful soundtrack of tornado sirens. Then we proceeded to get out of the car when the torrential downpour was in full effect. We were armed with an umbrella, but it didn't help much. The wind was too much for its brittle bones and it broke.

There were a lot of people down in the basement of the Orpheum, where apparently the band came through playing. That would've been pretty awesome to see. Instead we hung out in a parking garage for a little while and then under a building's overhang. But it was cool to watch the storm from outside. We were pretty much soaked by the time we were actually let into the delayed show.

Despite sitting in wet jeans and having soggy, freezing feet, the show was pretty amazing. My favorite part was in about the third song (?), when the horn section made their entrance from offstage in a serpentine march across the stage. That was really cool. It's so impressive when a band like that, that has such a specific sound - layered, ethereal and almost other-worldly - can sound as good, if not better, live as they can on record.

That's Cody throwing his socks out.

The end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

such a fun night! I love storms! and great music.