Thursday, June 19, 2008

CWS 2008

The College World Series is back. I went with the family to see Fresno State beat North Carolina, which is exactly the outcome we were all hoping for. To add to the whole experience, we sat in front of a group of Southerners, which had its pros and cons. Main pro: sounding like the characters on Friday Night Lights. The guy behind me even said "Aw raht" (all right) like Eric Taylor and they had a kid named Gracie Lee (the Taylors sometime call their daughter Gracie Belle on FNL). If only Riggins played baseball. The main con: when the Michigan fight song came on (as a trivia question) the guy screamed at the top of his lungs "We don't want to hear no Michigan fight song!".


Patrick said...

Sounds like a good time! I agree, it's always nice seeing the Tar Heels get beat...weren't they the #1 seeds?

Kyle said...

#2 seed

Lindsay said...

Go Fresno State!