Thursday, May 1, 2008

you know you're cool when...

you stay up until 2:45 am doing calligraphy.

There has to be a better phrase than "doing calligraphy." I suppose "practicing the art of calligraphy" would be more suitable. I propose the term "calligraphizing"; it's more efficient and sounds less haughty and more street.


Erin said...

You are very cool in my eyes!

Thank you (again and again) for doing my title page! I can't wait to turn my portfolio in!

Jeff said...

I propose "calligraphing," but it's pronounced in an Arnold Schwarzenegger way... or if you really want to street it up, maybe just "graphing."

Erica said...

I'm so jealous! You can call your company NLBT Calligraphy (I like the rhyming aspect of it and it would give you some street cred).

Lindsay said...

My business cards will say NLBT Calligraphy and underneath my job title will be "indoor street grapher."

And you are welcome, Erin, it was fun.