Friday, May 9, 2008


Wow! Major reveal/plot development on the Gossip Girl that I finally watched tonight. The episode aired this past Monday. I could not believe it. The end was a complete stunner! A totally unexpected, highly dramatic, slightly preposterous, oh-so-engaging twist. Too bad I don't know a single other person who watches this show. That has to change. Are there any closet Gossip Girl watchers out there? I know it's hard to admit it, but I'll stand by your side. We can discuss the series and especially the episode "All About My Brother." Next week the episode is titled "On the Verge." Does the show get a credibility point or two for the Almodovar homages? C'mon people!

p.s. If you live in a major city, then insert an "F" between the "M" and the "G" in the title of this post.

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