Thursday, May 22, 2008

punctuation heaven

Man, it's been too long...

I've been busy in random ways. And unfortunately now I don't have too much time to write since I need to shower, eat breakfast (or rather lunch now), do laundry, pack for Chicago, grade papers and exams, and go to the bank all before 5:30 when I leave for Chicago.

So, a brief rundown of what's been going on: my sisters came home from college; Laura visited for the weekend; saw Rilo Kiley twice; jumped on a tiger bounce, split my jeans; backyard bbq; saw The 400 Blows with a bunch of high schoolers at Film Streams and led discussion afterwards; saw My Blueberry Nights and Iron Man, watched the Pistons and the Red Wings win; played Wii Fit (awesome), Catchphrase, croquet and racquetball; went to some graduation parties; watched seasons finales of The Office and Gossip Girl; saw Jeff King artwork at Pulp; wrote some articles; got a freelance job at Venus Zine; and finished my first official year as a teacher.

Now for the upcoming stuff: I am heading to Chicago this afternoon, tagging along with Honeybee who are playing some shows in the city. I'm hoping to meet up with some friends and take some photos and video. As for viewing material: Pistons vs. Celtics and Loves of a Blonde and Flight of the Red Balloon at Film Streams.

I've got some other stuff on my to-post list, so look out!


Patrick said...

Glad to hear you're not too busy...that list would be a couple of months for me. Enjoy Chicago! Is Honeybee from Omaha, I know you've mentioned them? Does that make you the Queen Bee?

Lindsay said...

Yeah, they're from Omaha. They're really good.

Gossip Girl has taught me that it's tough to be Queen B(ee).