Sunday, March 30, 2008

Dream for Darfur

There is a great article in the NY Times magazine today on the non-profit organization Dream for Darfur. The organization is using the Olympics as leverage to pressure China to end their support of the Sudan government and their actions, such as supplying weapons and oil, that have allowed the genocide in Darfur to continue. You can go here to read more about the direct link China has to the genocide in Darfur.

I urge you to read the article, it's a really interesting read on a small organization that has made major gains. And if you go to their website it is really easy and quick to send e-mails to the corporate sponsors of the Olympics, the UN, Ambassadors, and the International Olympic Committee.

I am so happy that major news outlets like the Times have been covering China's egregious actions with regards to human rights and freedom of the press and religion. The Times has had a few articles on the Tibetan "riots" and the violence that Tibetan protestors were encountered with by the Chinese forces. The articles have also given some background on the China/Tibet conflict, something that I think many people are still unaware of. The confluence of these two movements (Save Darfur and Free Tibet) and the unrest in China and the subsequent news coverage (much of it being suppressed by China) and the efforts by groups such as Dream for Darfur make actual change seem possible. At the very least, more awareness is brought about. But awareness is not enough, and there is opportunity for real change and action right now. And that is thrilling.


cb said...

Linds, thank you for drawing attention to the NYT magazine article on Dream for Darfur and the urgency to now. I read the article and thanks to your link to Dream for Darfur I was able to easily go to their Action Center and send emails to the corporate sponsors as well as UN Ambassadors and the IOC, and also sign the petition committing to turning of the corporate sponsors during the Olympics. It was worth it to take the time to read the article to understand China's unique role in supporting the Sudanese government with oil profits to buy weapons and to block implementation of the UN resolution to bring more UN troops to Darfur to stop the killing...So b/c China cares only about its public image during the Olympics, it is a unique window of opportunity to have leverage over them and it is amazing what Dream for Darfur has been able to organize so far. Mia Farrow's courage and dedication is extremely impressive. It is shocking but I guess not surprising that our Government and many others are not taking more aggressive action in the UN to implement that UN resolution...even after the Olympics that has to be done...otherwise the UN is a joke. Well this turned into a rant...but thank you for raising awareness about Darfur and letting us know how we can act now!

Jeff said...

Boo China. I was really disappointed when China was awarded the Olympics, but I had some glimmer of hope that with the spotlight on them they would clean up their act... nope. I think the media attention helps (China will do anything to "save face"), but we're too economically tied to China to put on any real pressure (I type this on my Mac with it's made-in-China parts). Of course, my cynical views of China are colored by my pro-independence Taiwanese parents.

Erin said...

Jamie and I have discusses this relentlessly: Why in the hell did the Olympic Committee choose China? Did they not think that people would realize the human rights violations? It was inevitably going to be a problem. They should have chosen a safer bet. Like Romania....or a city in France.

Anonymous said...

Lindsay, after reading the article which I greatly appreciated you sharing with us, I did go on and sign the petitions. Thank you for helping to keep us informed!