Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Belated Utah photos

Here are some photos from Park City, Utah. The trip was so much fun. I didn't do such a great job of taking photos during our time there - I guess I was too caught up with actually enjoying it. But these photos hint at our activities, which included skiing/snowboarding, relaxing in the jacuzzi, feeling sore and exhausted, watching movies, playing Rock Band (our band's name: Bucket Moustache), eating, sleeping, talking, taking a trip to downtown Park City and more. Oh, and the last photo was taken on a historic occasion: the first time I've ever been on skis. It's hard to tell from the photo, but they are bright neon skis and the boots were a size too small. I lived. I would try it again for real, but I still think snowboarding is more of my thing despite my general decline in the sport and exhaustion and shortness of breath after the first run.


laura h said...

oh man this makes me wish i was back there -- especially the you on skis photo - nice stance by the way. sadly no photos from rock band though. maybe erica will send me a link to see some of hers. i do like that the downtown park city animals made it in though. the weekend was so fun but so short.

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Erica said...

Your post is likeable and so was the trip to Utah! So fun!

laura h said...

now i realize why our rock band photos did not make it into linds's blog: our band wasn't good enough.