Friday, December 5, 2008

Gino's East!

I am too lazy to take a picture, thus you have a backwards computer-taken picture.

But I am not too lazy to heat this bad boy up. Look it's Gino's East pizza! And I found it in Omaha. Gino's East is my favorite pizza ever. This was by far the best part of my day. The second best part, well maybe it's a tie, was getting a tetanus shot and not even coming close to fainting. I'm growing up.


Jamie P said...

Where did you find Gino's East in Omaha?!? Was it an early Christmas miracle?

And why did you get a tetanus shot?

Lindsay said...

The pizza was at Target. I was casually perusing the frozen food when my eyes landed on it. I thought I was seeing things. It was almost too good to be true. Even the checkout lady commented on how good it looked. I'm tempted to go back and buy all in stock, just in case they go away or I can't find them anywhere else. I already made it. It tasted pretty much like the real thing.

As for the shot, I was due for one. I didn't get attacked by a dog or step on a nail or anything.

Erin said...

Target is officially the coolest place on earth. And by the way, instead of reading your last line "attacked by a dog or step on a nail..." I thought it said "attacked by a dog or sheep." Getting attacked by a sheep would be the most humiliating thing ever.

Patrick said...

Looks Good!!! Linds, was there one of those in Geneva? We had really good pizza after one of your tennis matches in high school. But more importantly, okay...who got attacked by a sheep... & where...Hancock?

Lindsay said...

There wasn't one in Geneva, but there was one in nearby St. Charles.

No sheep attack, unfortunately. That would make for a very good story. A goat did eat a map out of my back pocket once though.