Thursday, December 11, 2008

Kelly Reichardt interview

Here's interview that Spoutblog did with director/teacher Kelly Reichardt (Old Joy, Wendy and Lucy).

It's really interesting to me on one level because her career is a very close model of something I would love to have. She still gets to live where she wants and she teaches at a college that she really likes and gets to make personal, well made, low-budget feature and short films with friends and the people she wants to and they often get seen by people. She is able to make a living making films and teaching and is able to have full creative control of her films and doesn't think of one film as a stepping stone to get to a bigger, better career but thinks of it as another fun art project and life experience, and as a way to continue to work on and improve her filmmaking skills.


Patrick said...

Linds, When I click on the link to read the interview w/ her, the page doesn't come up. Another way for me to see it?

Lindsay said...

Sorry! The link should work now.