Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Slacker, but not really

I know I haven't been great about posting on here lately. I've been writing, but for publications and writing groups, not for this blog. Combine that with the fact that I've cheated on this blog, with another blog, Fistful of Paper, and the guilt grows.

Dear blog, I have not abandoned you. I will return. I still love you the most, even with your simple, unchanged design. You were there from the beginning.

I shall not redeem myself tonight. It is too late, again I have been up writing and grading and not planning for class tomorrow and I would rather try to catch another 15 minutes of a Mad Men episode before I fall asleep. So until then, I will take the easy way out and post another video (albeit a funny one, and related to my new obsession Mad Men).

By the way, it is currently zero degrees out. Exactly. Not negative, not positive, just zero. A whole number, rational number and an integer - all concepts I revisited tonight while tutoring.


Rockin' Rufus said...

I like your style.
enuf said.

-Rufus Rumphrey
(yes, that's right, Rufus Humphrey.

Jamie P said...

Are you watching season 2 of 'Mad Men' now? I thought it didn't come out on DVD until the summer...

laura h said...

Linds, it's time to fess up...

Lindsay said...

Oh man, I'm busted!

They are on iTunes, and I couldn't help myself. That Season 1 finale was such a cliffhanger and I couldn't wait to find out what happened. I told myself that I would just watch one or two but now I'm almost halfway through. I've been taking it slow though, out of guilt. You can watch the ones I have already downloaded when you're home.

Patrick said...

I'm sure if you explain to Notorious LBT that you & Fistful of Paper are just good friends and that as you said, you're not abandoning N LBT, things will work out fine...you never forget that first love!!!