Monday, February 4, 2008

back in Omaha

It's cold. I'm feeling under the weather. I missed the Super Bowl. I'm excited for Super Tuesday tomorrow - and love the moniker Super Tuesday. I wish we could sprinkle other random "super" days throughout the year. It would give us something to aim for and more cause for celebration. Like if it was a Super Thursday, maybe I would bring in cupcakes to work or allow myself a fun movie marathon day or something. I don't know if a Monday could ever qualify as "super" though.

I watched Together last night and loved it. More praise for Sweden! (It's a Swedish movie, directed by the super talented Lukas Moodysson).

Florida was super fun. A nice, relaxing (though I'm super exhausted from it) trip. It was great to see family, water and sunshine (but sadly, no gators). Look for some photos from the weekend in the near future.

1 comment:

Jamie P said...

I'm sorry you're not feeling so well. In happier news, I get to attend my first caucus tomorrow!! YAY!