Tuesday, September 4, 2007

pack rat

I was very grateful today for being the type of person that can throw hardly anything out. After my first Moving Image Lab class today, I realized that it would be very helpful for the students to have a sheet detailing camera settings, what they mean, and what the student should most likely have to set it to. Then I groaned about how much work that would be until I remembered that I was given such a sheet in 507, one of my earliest classes at USC. I was very happy for a moment until I considered what my chances were for finding that specific handout...especially considering that most of my possessions are residing in boxes. Well today was my lucky day. I came across it within the first 10 minutes of looking, sparing me a lot of time and effort. Proof that when you look at a random item, proclaim "I may need this someday," and tuck it away where it sits taking up precious space, your foresight may come in handy someday, even five years from now.

In an unrelated note (possible ties: nostalgia and visual media), I have been re-watching episodes of My So-Called Life, and man, that show was really good. Too good for its own good, really. I would say ahead of its time, but I'm not sure it would fare so well today either. The outfits also looked much more dated and embarrassing than I ever remember, a testament that time is indeed flying by. However, the writing, acting, themes, and emotion feel as present and real as ever.


Jamie P said...

Are you telling me oversized plaid shirts and matronly floral pattern dresses are out of fashion?!?! Say it isn't so!

Lindsay said...

I was as surprised as you are.

Another thing I love about that show is that Angela wears a lot of the same clothes throughout the series like an actual teenager does. This is unlike other shows in which teenagers and adults have unlimited wardrobes that allow them to wear completely new outfits every day.

Erica said...

Linds, your class blog is amazing! Your students are lucky to have you as a teacher.

Lindsay said...

Thanks, Erica!