Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Breathe Right

How have I just found out about these? Contrary to what I am blindly judging to be public opinion, these are not just for football players and snorers. They are really so simple. The technology is that it is a strip with strong tape that pulls your nose apart. That's it. Amazing. I'm hooked. I bought a pack of menthols today. Breathe Right menthols, that is. If you do try these (and I highly recommend it), please hold your nose in its original position and then release. It feels like your nose is expanding. It's awesome. If you adhere it tight enough it even hurts a little bit, but in a good way.


Erin said...

I'm glad you've had so much drug-filled fun in Omaha thus far!

laura h said...

this photo made my week. why did you not discover these earlier? you indeed would've made a fashion statement with a breathe right strip and your usc cinema arts hat trapsing around l.a. i am glad you are finding some relief (i think your #1 dream in life for some time now has been to expand your nose/sinus pathways) but i still think you need sinus surgery. seriously.

cb said...

I am actually quite frightened by this photo - are you like in the red room from the Shining?