Wednesday, May 9, 2007

It rages on...

It's 12:16 am and the fire is still going. It's pretty strange to hear the words Los Feliz, Vermont and Hillhurst being repeated on the live news over and over.

I can still see the pink billowing clouds above the hill. It's pretty beautiful at night. Here are two photos I took about an hour ago on my street.

And two I took on Vermont Street, two streets away.

One on Rodney, a street away.

Here's one of Rufus and Laura. You can tell how alarmed they are.

And another:

This last one below was taken by a professional photographer. But had I had my camera on me when I walked to Fred 62, I could've gotten a similar photo because it looked just like this. I wanted to include one of the beautiful Griffith Observatory, that luckily was unharmed (As of this posting, at least. My fingers are crossed).

If you want to see more, the L.A. Times has many, and there's also a link on that page of other people's photos that they took from around the city at different times of the day and posted. I saw a lot of people out with cameras and video cameras. And I'm sure the media will be all over this by tomorrow -- or by now.

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