Monday, April 2, 2007

Fourscore and seven years ago...

I have re-memorized the Gettysburg Address. I memorized it in third grade (the only one in William Ford Elementary to do so, to my knowledge) and performed it in front of a sixth grade class, for which I received a chess and checkers set.

So, if you see me, you may request a repeat performance.

"The world will little note nor long remember what we say here..."
Abe, you are too modest.


Erin said...

I like the picture you chose of Abe. He looks luscious in his tux. The only thing he looks better is in his imaginary robe (AKA naked). Handcuffs optional.

Jamie P said...

Are you just trying to prove that you were the dorkiest kid in your elementary school with your Lincoln skills and two different colored socks and side ponytails and batman shirts and neon colors? Because that entry totally proved all of the above.

Lindsay said...

Um, I should mention that this was a 3rd and 4th split class. Guess what grade I was in? 3rd, of course. And this was the same grade in which I saved stickers/coupons which I earned by doing well on homework and other assignments to buy key chains (mostly from car dealerships) from my teacher, Mrs. Driscoll. I believe her husband was a car salesman. And this was thrilling to me.

Erin said...

A split class? That makes you even cooler- you should have mentioned that before. I bet all the fourth graders all hated you ("Oh my Gosh! Lindsay is repeating the Gettysburg Address again. For the sixth time."). I see Mrs. Driscoll looking like Phyllis on the Office and always calling her husband by his full name plus the car dealership a la Bob Vance, Vance Refridgeration.