Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Compliment from a stranger

I got out of the Gossip show in New York, elated and exhausted. I boarded the subway at Canal and sat down in the mostly empty car, choosing at random from the many open seats. Having a headache and wanting to immediately go to sleep, I put my head down into my hands, thus directing my eyes at the dirty subway floor and my worn out shoes. At that moment, I noticed a surprising little note that brought a smile to my face.

Thank you, Harry in New York, for noticing!


Jamie P said...

It actually wasn't from Harry. I was stalking you that night and wrote that note and fearing that you would reject my happy note signed "Harry" (I was thinking about Harry Truman). So yeah...

Lindsay said...

Were you commenting on my use of color or like color in my face...or both? Or your love of a particular color I was wearing?

"Much better color" implies that my color was not so great in the past. Can you specify without being negative?

laura h said...

linds, maybe you should send your photo and post to FOUND magazine -- you might just get published which would be cool and a good resume item. this little occurrence, which is very you by the way, reminds me of when you radomly came across a ripped, barely visible piece of paper on a dark, rainy street in paris at 11 pm as we were trudging back to a hostel in the rain, that was promoting a dj shadow show in Montmartre the next day (which we got into by showing up at his soundcheck and imploring him to put us on a list to get in since we were fellow u.s. of a. residents, which he did!)

Lindsay said...

I remember the DJ Shadow coincidence. It was totally out of a movie. So much so, that if you saw it in a movie you would say, "That's so cheesy and too easy and that never happens." But it does.

Like you said, it was dark and raining and a gust of wind pushed a torn piece of a paper right under my foot as I stepped. I looked down at the right moment to catch the show info. Cut to DJ Shadow stepping out of his cab at the moment we walk by the club mid-afternoon and us pleading and him accepting. Cut to nighttime us rocking out on the dance floor.