Friday, March 23, 2007

The Sopranos: Canine Style

Dramatic update to my last post. I actually knew of this little addendum to the story yesterday, but for some reason did not feel the need to include it. I did see Year of the Dog last night (well the first half of it, at least), so perhaps the pro-animal rights bent of the movie caused this change of heart. Who says that movies don't have a direct relation to our beliefs and behavior? Or maybe I just wanted to keep it light yesterday. But this world is a dark place, and I don't condone hiding the truth. In any case, our female black lab friends, Lucky and Flo, are in danger. Word on the streets is that the Malaysian pirates are not happy with them and their sniffing skills. The pirates took strong offense to the major bust that they carried out last week. They lost $3-4 million in sales and equipment. Malaysia is also, I believe, the #1 exporter of these stolen goods to America (but I don't have a citation on that). The "pirate syndicate" (love that term, actually used by Reuters) has put a hit out on the dogs. The bounty is unspecified, but c'mon, they're Malaysian DVD pirates, you don't know what they're willing to do to send a strong message.

I have faith in the amazing abilities of Lucky and Flo and their survival skills. But if you feel like it, send a little psychic love (or a prayer, if you're so inclined) their way and the next time you think about purchasing a pirated DVD or CD off the streets think of a little black lab puppy with soulful eyes squealing in pain.

I'll keep you updated on this saga...


Jamie P said...

Maybe you should go on Oprah to let America know about the horrors of buying stolen/pirated DVDs. Or perhaps this is simply lies strewn by you liberal Californians (something that my fellow Nebraskans love to label anyone from the L.A. area-whether it's about the war or DVD sniffing dogs, doesn't really matter).

P.S. maybe you should make an inspirational movie about these dogs. Either go all "The Departed" or in the opposite direction, more like "Air Bud" or some family flick. I'd see it.

Jeff said...

Who buys pirated DVDs? Download your illegal content, people. Save some dogs. Get with the times.

Also, I would like to say the Jamie is onto something here about making a movie about these dogs. I'm thinking something like "Lethal Weapon", but with dogs.

Jeff said...

Correction: "that Jamie" not "the Jamie." Well... Jamie is the only Jamie I know, but I don't know if she deserves a "the" status.