Monday, December 22, 2008


The holiday season is upon us! I think it came faster this year than any other year. It is snowy and icy and cold here in Omaha.

I don't have the time at this moment for a proper post, but I can direct you to my 2008 list of music and movies, posted on Omahype and/or my review of a musician named Michelle Malone's album Debris on

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Slacker, but not really

I know I haven't been great about posting on here lately. I've been writing, but for publications and writing groups, not for this blog. Combine that with the fact that I've cheated on this blog, with another blog, Fistful of Paper, and the guilt grows.

Dear blog, I have not abandoned you. I will return. I still love you the most, even with your simple, unchanged design. You were there from the beginning.

I shall not redeem myself tonight. It is too late, again I have been up writing and grading and not planning for class tomorrow and I would rather try to catch another 15 minutes of a Mad Men episode before I fall asleep. So until then, I will take the easy way out and post another video (albeit a funny one, and related to my new obsession Mad Men).

By the way, it is currently zero degrees out. Exactly. Not negative, not positive, just zero. A whole number, rational number and an integer - all concepts I revisited tonight while tutoring.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Kelly Reichardt interview

Here's interview that Spoutblog did with director/teacher Kelly Reichardt (Old Joy, Wendy and Lucy).

It's really interesting to me on one level because her career is a very close model of something I would love to have. She still gets to live where she wants and she teaches at a college that she really likes and gets to make personal, well made, low-budget feature and short films with friends and the people she wants to and they often get seen by people. She is able to make a living making films and teaching and is able to have full creative control of her films and doesn't think of one film as a stepping stone to get to a bigger, better career but thinks of it as another fun art project and life experience, and as a way to continue to work on and improve her filmmaking skills.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Colbert vs. Kanye

Gino's East!

I am too lazy to take a picture, thus you have a backwards computer-taken picture.

But I am not too lazy to heat this bad boy up. Look it's Gino's East pizza! And I found it in Omaha. Gino's East is my favorite pizza ever. This was by far the best part of my day. The second best part, well maybe it's a tie, was getting a tetanus shot and not even coming close to fainting. I'm growing up.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Brooklyn Go Hard

Jay-Z on iLike - Get updates inside iTunes

The song is pretty sweet and catchy plus references from the Brooklyn Dodgers (of course) to Annie (once again) to Lykke Li. Nice. And cool typography graphics. B-R-O-O-K-L-Y-N, join in.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Moxie Paper Press

I joined a small writing group a little while back. It has been a great experience thus far. It is a great group of people and it's nice to have a forum to share work and ideas. And now one of those ideas is coming to fruition. We are starting a small, independent press called Moxie Paper Press (click to go to our website) and we have a blog titled Fistful of Paper. A big shout out to the wonderful, hardworking Cody Peterson who designed our website, blog and logos. Thank you!

And for those of you in the Omaha area, we are gearing up to host our first event titled Monster Holiday on December 13 at the Bancroft Gallery at 10th and Bancroft. Honeybee and Talking Mountain will play and there will be readings by the members of our group/press: Annie Dilocker, Christin Goetz, Drew Hanson, Katie Wudel and myself.

Just wanted to get the word out. More stuff to come from Moxie Paper Press!

p.s. I've added a permanent link to the Moxie site on the left.