Friday, October 10, 2008

I told you to be patient...

I've been listening to Bon Iver a lot again lately (hence the title), since I checked out For Emma from the library and can play it in my car for now. I have a subscription to emusic, which is where I tend to get about half of any new music I acquire (other 40% buying CDs, 10% from friends), but the issue with that is that my car has become increasingly finicky about what CDs it will play and it refuses about 99% of all burned CDs now (a lot of percentages in this post).

I also checked out Lucinda Williams' "West" and an Iron and Wine CD that I haven't heard. On eMusic I got Department of Eagles and Vivian Girls the other day. I like Vivian Girls a lot and look forward to listening to Department of Eagles.

This turned out to be a "what I'm listening to these days" post, when I intended it as an extended apology of not blogging about fireworks, vertigo, throwing up, and crazy bands from Tel Aviv. I've gotten behind on a lot of stuff lately, and I still feel like I'm running to catch up (or maybe jogging).

But the house is coming together, Laura was here for a fun visit, and now I'm off to Minneapolis to hang with my sisters on their birthday. I can't wait!

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