Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The amendment to legalize all ages-shows in Omaha passed with a 5-2 vote! I just returned from the City Council meeting. I may provide more details later, but the proceedings were long, very hot and had all the (unintended) dry humor of a British comedy series.

Among the topics discussed (and I mean really discussed): the definition of exotic dancing in many aspects including dress or lack thereof, the use of poles and whether or not actual dancing has to be involved, karoake as an art form, the decline of rap and the use of turntables, the price of drinks, laptop rock and bad parenting/using a rock club in lieu of a babysitter because the cover might be cheaper than paying a sitter. Who knew council meetings could be so entertaining?


Erin said...

I wish I had been there. I don't have much experience with those kinds of meetings. Jamie and I went to a school board meeting (okay, I DRAGGED her to the school board meeting for civics class) and we ended up laughing so loud that we quietly excused ourselves. That kept taking roll and it was ridiculously funny, especially when the roll calls were 2 minutes apart as if one of them had escaped)

Anonymous said...

Have you heard the joke about the parents who drop their 2 year old baby off at an all age karaoke/exotic-standing/bar instead of hiring a baby sitter? I can't remember the punchline but it had something to do with breast feeding and pasties.

Lindsay said...

I think that whole meeting was actually a long, deliberate joke that was too sophisticated for the majority of us to really appreciate.

Patrick said...

Wow, I feel like my signature helped as if my presidential vote was the winner! Seriously though, I'm glad it passed. Sounds like the meeting was quite interesting. Maybe they could combine some of the subjects & have nannies singing karaoke while pole dancing w/ a day care center...might even get the dads more involved.