Thursday, April 3, 2008


Guess what I ate today? Something I have not had in probably about 15 years: Chicken McNuggets. I missed lunch because I was interviewing someone for an article I am writing and I was starving by the time I left around 4. I needed gas and food before I got back on the highway and guess what was right next to the gas station and could offer something (pseudo) edible in 5 minutes? The golden arches loomed over my head, and I knew I was going to succumb.

The current drive-through menu is so visually crowded and busy that I couldn't even find them on there right away, so I asked for the one with least amount of Chicken McNuggets. The response I got was a long pause and then a "What?" So I asked again, "Can I just have the smallest amount of Chicken McNuggets you have?" Still, confusion. How else could I communicate this? I scanned the menu again and luckily found the 6-piece option. "Can I have the 6-piece chicken McNuggets?" " You want a number 11?" was the response. "Um, no thanks, I just want the smallest one. A 6-piece." "So you want two number elevens?"

I looked around for a hidden camera crew. Nothing in sight. I scanned the menu again to see if I was missing my end of the "Who's on First" bit we had going. The number eleven meal on the menu is 10-piece chicken McNugget combo. I most definitely did not want 20 pieces of chicken McNuggets, a double order of fries and a drink. "Um, actually, I just want 6 chicken McNuggets," I stated in the clearest, evenly toned, leaning halfway out of my car window for added volume speaking voice that I could muster. "Oh, I'm sorry. Anything else?" I didn't want to complicate things.

The verdict: the sweet and sour sauce is as good as I remember it (just seeing the cover's shade of green brought back memories). I started to feel nauseous after about the third, but I ate the rest anyway. They were pretty good, quite greasy, but not noticeably gross. All in all pretty tasty despite the nausea, and I didn't actually throw them up, so I would call it a success.


Erin said...

"Who's on first" -- brings back strange memories of last weeks Dustin Hoffman marathon.

Now I picture you ordering your McNuggets with Dustin Hoffman, a youthful and mullet sporting Tom Cruise and an exotic young woman with neon pink pants all in the car.

laura h said...

well i think that you are lucky that you had a 15 year break from those things because you got to eat them post scandal regarding the actual amount of chicken meat inside the nuggets -- i think now they have to pass some standard or something.

as for the absurd miscommunication and near ordering of 20 chick mcns, my philosophy is maybe it was a trick/joke/punishment from the powers at be for the act of eating at/supporting a mcdonalds. however i do have to say that sweet & sour sauce is pretty unbeatable -- remember how we used to drive through and just ask for that sauce and then go home and make morning star fake chicks? and sometimes they would make us pay 20 cents per packet? i need to start doing that again, i had forgotten all about that option. thanks for the reminder.

Lindsay said...

Erin: That would have been a much more exciting trip to McDonalds.

Laura: Yeah, I bravely looked inside the chicken mcnugget, and it looked white and without the weird looking stuff. It looked just as fake as the other stuff, but whiter and more pleasing to the eye.

They should sell their sweet and sour sauce at the store - I mean they really need to expand their business.

Patrick said...

That's hilarious! It reminds me of two things...1st when I was w/ Barb & Bob & ordered 2 sliders from White Castle from the drive-thru & when I went to pay he said "That will be $20.15" (Okay) & the 2nd is a bit Bill Cosby used to do about going to McDonald's before everything was computerized & the cashier was desperately trying to figure out what change to give & finally said "Just reach in there & take what you're supposed to get back". McNugetts actually sound pretty good.