Wednesday, February 27, 2008

the best purchase I've made all year.


Jamie P said...

What ARE those?? And where did you find them??

They look like something you'd buy at our favorite store, Ray's.

Lindsay said...

They're Peeps sunglasses. Yes, as in the sugar coated marshmallow chicks or bunnies. I think they're like a special edition for Easter. I didn't even know Peeps made glasses, but I sure am glad they do.

laura h said...

Look at you in the easter spirit, purchasing peeps sunglasses! wow, i guess Hy-Vee really has a sentimental effect on you. seriously though, those are pretty amazing and join a long line of classic sunglasses, such as bono-esque ones purchased in a gas station in iowa on a drive to l.a., and those red ones, i think your mom won them as a promo?

Patrick said...

VERY COOL!!! I never did like Peeps but I sure like their shades. Maybe you can borrow Brian's Easter bunny costume to go with them...even just the head would look very nice with the glasses. If we do end up going to the Derby, please bring them with you!
p.s. I'll email you guys another picture of sunglasses.

Erin said...

One of a kind. You are a fashion icon, a trendsetter for the ages.

Actually these might be as ridiculous as the Ray Bans celebrities are sporting. At least these have a sense of humor. Delicious!

P.S. Wait...don't you not like Peeps?

Lindsay said...

I don't like Peeps that much, but I think their company has a promising new direction...

Laura, the red glasses you are referring to came with some kind of hair product. Not sure how those two are linked, but I guess it makes just as much sense as Peeps being connected to sunglasses.