Saturday, December 29, 2007


So, it's been awhile. What have I been up to? My brain, I feel, is still functioning at about 35% speed. Something about the holidays just slows everything down. And I have a cold and was hit in the head pretty hard by a laser gun yesterday (by my own teammate and sister too, she's too hardcore for me and apparently I wasn't playing up to her expected level). There's a bump and discoloration. And I've been staying up late and sleeping in. These all may be partly to blame for my lack of mental motivation.

The main addition to my life has been the one and only Rock Band. All I can say is that it is so awesome and so addictive. My sisters, brother and I are on a world tour with our band the Snuggle Bees. We went a little crazy the first night, staying up until our eyes burned and our limbs fell out of sync. I woke up and had to wear a wrist brace for the day. I was back on the drum throne today, but I am weary of overdoing it again. I am trying not to hit so hard, but it's a hard habit to break, especially when Blitzkrieg Bop comes on.

Speaking of The Ramones, I am currently reading Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk by Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain. It is SO good and has lots of juicy and disgusting dirt on the bands and the whole scene. The book itself is mesmerizing, filthy and flies by, pretty much like punk itself. I really can't recommend the book enough, especially if you're into music, culture, punk or just reading about depraved youth. The combination of the book and rock band takes me back to younger days when I was really pretty into punk music and playing the drums. Ah, nostalgia. That nostalgia, the fear of getting old, the punk book, and Rock Band have all coalesced into a deep desire to start a band. For now, however, I will settle, knowing that I am a vital member of the jetsetting, rocking Snuggle Bees where we don't have to deal with long drives in a cramped van with fast food meals and dirty clothes. Where I can rock out in the comfort of my pajamas and take snack breaks in between songs.

Well, I'm itching to either get back to Rock Band, watch 24 or play this card game called Nertz, so I'm going to cut this short. To give a quick rundown on other updates, I have gotten a haircut, gone to the paper store Pulp, had Christmas, gone shopping, saw Juno, Atonement, 27 Dresses, The Kingdom, and The Namesake, edited, shot (video, not a weapon), been in the snow, watched up to the second disc of 24 Season 6, played racquetball, bowled, went go-karting and played laser tag (for the first time), and sat by the fire and hung out with family a lot.

Happy Holidays to all (slightly belated, but New Year is a holiday too, right?)!

1 comment:

laura h said...

can't wait to try rock band!! and the Snuggle Bees is an awesome band name -- you should be careful it doesn't get stolen from your blog. i asked for please kill me but i didn't get it. however i did by myself the riot grrrl book, which, although not very well written, has been inspiring and interesting and also making me think i just really need to get in gear.