Monday, July 23, 2007

Other things of note

The Democratic debate is on tonight. It airs on CNN at 7 pm Eastern time. I'll be tuning in. Catch it if you can.

Also, I subscribed to the New York Times home delivery yesterday and I'm so excited. The Omaha World-Herald was just not cutting it as the only print source of news. The only weird thing is that there is no way for me to get the Saturday paper. My only options were Monday-Friday or Sunday only. I signed up for both, but that still excludes Saturday. I will have to designate this as my day to go out and get the paper, which is fine I guess since that is what I have been doing every day. I hope it starts coming soon!


cb said...

I did catch some highlights on NPR on way home and clips on CNN and will watch rerun of it later at 10:00 (after Closer). I'm happy with what I've seen of Hillary so far...but Sen. Edwards lit up the stage like a grand slam homerun when on a health care question he launched into an impassioned speech about how outraged we should all be that health care coverage is not a mandate for all and that we have done nothing and it is up to us to do it now and stand up to the insurance companies etc. CNN showed how his approval line went up to 90! Now about the NY Times, I have some mixed feelings for u because, on the one hand, that is awesome because now you can read Frank Rich who is absolutely dead-on right about everything and is amazing. I get the NY Times electronically every day but had to pay extra for Frank Rich (and other featured columnists) and I can be stewing about the latest outrage from the Bush regime on one thing or another and then I'll read his column and he will have exactly and perfectly expressed just what it is that is outrageous and dangerous and all of it and I will feel there is still hope if someone understands like Frank Rich. But on the other hand, with the inside info I have from my sister about just how poorly managed the NY Times is and really unfair with their employees and also I'm still really annoyed with the paper for the Judith Miller episode and how like all the mainstream media, the Times did nothing really to challenge all the lies in the leadup to Iraq (with Judith Miller, the NY Times is actually culpable in the run-up of lies)...but then I am pulled back to the fact that the paper just includes a lot of great and diverse topics and stories, and balance of international and national stuff, great cultural and arts stuff and great columnists like Rich and so I stay reading it. To get the Sunday Times delivered at home...that is amazing. Have fun! Won't you also now have the Will Shorts crossword every day?? Alright, I can't believe you saw The Lives of Others and I still lazily have not even though Laura has really encouraged me to see it too. I have noticed it is playing at a small theatre in Santa Monica so maybe I'll take myself out to see it there this week...! When I finally do, we need a conference call with you and Laura to discuss. Back to CNN and the debates! Go Hillary! Hillary/Edwards 08!

cb said...

p.s. check out Sen. Edwards' candidate video to the song "Hair" - the best. awesome. Just yesterday I bought the original Hair cassette from my sister for .50 at her garage sale and was listening to it!

Lindsay said...

CB, I love that you actually paid your sister 50 cents for her Hair cassette.

I also appreciate your thorough comments on the debate and the NY Times. I agree with you on the NY Times, but I am mostly just excited that the front page section will be longer than 4 pages. I am not familiar with Frank Rich, so I will definitely by looking out for his columns. And yes, Will Shortz edited crossword puzzles every single day (except Saturday) -- can't wait!

As far as the debate, I didn't think anyone particularly stood out in this one - unlike Hillary did in the first one. Obama, Edwards and Clinton all had a few shining moments. I wish that Hillary had a chance to address the same sex marriage question. I thought Obama was stronger in this one than last one, but he is still lacking a little in charisma...which is strange since when he burst on the scene, he seemed to be in abundance of smiles and charm. Maybe he's trying to seem too Presidential and serious. Mike Gravel provided a lot of entertainment. It's always fun having him in the mix...he's like the crazy, crotchety Grandpa of the bunch. And there is always a place in my heart for Dennis Kucinich. Too bad he has absolutely no chance.

I wish we didn't have to wait so long for the next one, and I wish we didn't have to wait so long for Bush to be out of office!

cb said...

And for 50 cents, I bought Elton John Madman Across the Water from Cat...I couldn't handle Hair and Madman in a shoe box at a garage sale...they are keepers.