Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Me and Albee

Let me give you a little backstory here. Two of my short films were selected for the Great Plains Theatre Conference, held here in Omaha, Nebraska.

In case you were wondering "what are films doing in a theatre conference?" let me assure you that they have a film section. Among the special guests attending this conference were Edward Albee, Patricia Neal (of Breakfast at Tiffany's fame), and Rachel Jacobson, founder of Film Streams.

If you thought I was getting lazy about writing, and thus were including more photos, you were right. This post is no exception. It's not all laziness though. Visuals can tell a story just as well as, if not better, than words. See how well film school has taught me?

Here is Mr. Albee himself. Proving that even Pulitzer Prize winning authors are just like us, this was taken right after he walked out of the men's restroom. My first instinct was to take it as he was walking out, the stiff armed bathroom man on the sign in the background, but then thought better. I'm glad that my respectful and polite instincts won out over my paparazzi instincts...I think.

I know what you're thinking. No, it's not just some aging man in light jeans and faded leather and suede. Yes, it has Husker red accents. But it really is him. I swear. You're just going to have to trust me on this.

I am seriously trustworthy and, as many of my L.A. friends can attest, pretty skilled at spotting and identifying celebrities. I have the credentials. I'll provide references. I have witnesses.

But who needs all of that? I don't need to prove anything to you. I'm asking you to trust me. It's him. No more discussion.

Jamie and Erin, being the wonderful, supportive sisters that they are, came with me for the entire day. Here they are right before they were going to show my films. The excitement and tension was getting to them.

That evening, there was a gala for the conference, where they would hand out awards. It was a real classy affair. Catered, free bar, pianist, tuxedos, the whole nine yards.

As you can see, we chose to dress down for the occasion. Here is Erin on the red carpet.

Me in training for the Oscars.

Oh, and ice sculptures. How classy are ice sculptures? Erin and a penguin, who are very in vogue in films these days.

These Nebraskans are really on top of it.

Mr. Albee's place at our table.

This night has inspired me to write a play: "Waiting for Albee."

Erin and I sat at the furthest table from the stage in a corner. This was not only to further signal us as the weirdos who were way younger than anyone else there and underdressed or to elicit stares saying, "Are you even supposed to be here?", but mostly to provide ease for a quick and early escape from the affair (plus we had a lacrosse championship to go to...see below).

So they started announcing the film winners first, and right as they started to announce the short film winners a large gust of wind blew in the tent, knocking down a large plant nearly on top of Erin, who was startled and started to laugh. I also found it funny that a large plant fell nearly on us, but then could not hear who they were saying, so I started to tell Erin I couldn't hear and she continued to laugh as others at our table and around us shot annoyed and confused looks in our direction.

Erin quieted down enough for me to hear my name called for second place. I got up, again prompting confused looks from our neighbors. "Take that, I belong here! And I'm a winner!" I wanted to cry. Instead I smiled and made my long way to the stage.

This is Erin's reaction to my second place finish. She thought I deserved better. She's got my back.

This was taken today. I tried to re-create my moment of glory with my little sculpted prize. How cute is it?

Great Plains, here we come! Next year we are gunning for greatness, a family dynasty of Midwestern awards. The grand prize in film and playwriting. We will take it all!


Jamie P said...

Hey! What about me?! What can I win next year? Maybe I'll battle you for the film top prize with my film "Duval's Gift 2: The Return to the Shop." Or perhaps "My Llama's Mama: The past of my pet." It's gonna be grand!

Lindsay said...

I said family dynasty...that includes you! Unless you're planning on defecting...or seceding and starting your own poorly run family.

I vote for #2, even with the added cost of finding a llama that can act.

It's very hard these days to find a subtle llama that can still dig deep to find that emotion.

Jeff said...

I will attest to your celebrity (and Starbuck barista) spotting abilities.

Erica said...

I'm so proud of you, Linds. Congratulations! Its a pleasure just to know you. One of your other hidden talents that unfortunately hasn't come up yet is your amazing talent of having secretly memorized your blockbuster membership card number. I will forever be impressed! (Your celebrity spotting ability is very good too.)

courtney rae said...

I think I might have your llama. Do you remeber that wonderful story told on sesame street about a llama who lives in NYC and takes a trip to the dentist.I believe the feature was entitled "Me and my llama." Well, what more can I say. I am sure the llama is acclamated to celebrity life, especially living in New York City. He no longer has to spend his nights snuggling up with Paris and Lindsay drinking pink martinis and then falling on his ass while attempting to drive home drunk in his gas guzzling, environmentally unfriendly SUV. Another positive is that you know he is keeping up with his looks, which is a must in the film biz. He visits the dentist regularly, is probably 15 but looks like he is 6. I might be able to put you in contact with his agent, I will see what I can do.

I am proud of you for your prize-I knew you were a winner. I am not sure if you are wearing a winners outfit, a cute scarf and lipstick go along way. I heard that you will be hosting a signing at Rays this summer. I will be sure to attend.And once again, I seem to bring it up over and over, but when is my break. My acting skills are untouchable and I will ambush the set if necessary. Plus, I will work for free.

Latest unrelated news- I ran a 10k with heather last week in boulder and I did not die (but a guy next to me did)
And-my little nephew is due today but he is being stubborn. Finally I am back to being the skinny sister again!
And last-I have taken up sailing. I don't have much to say about that-since right now I am actually not allowed to go anywhere-I just listen to instructions while the boat is tide to a mooring.
Finally-I am contemplating a three month service project in South Africa in September and I am looking for a buddy to join me. And if I remember correctly you don't have a job!!!

Lindsay said...

Yes, we may have found our llama!

Courtney, you have overloaded me with too much exciting new information. A 10k, Delaney giving birth any minute, sailing!

You must call me when you are made the crazy aunt. Do they have a name? Or is it a secret?

I will talk to you soon to find out the details of these new, exciting endeavors.