Saturday, June 16, 2007

Fireworks! (And The Faint!)

Fireworks was the theme of the night on Thursday. I drove downtown to Sokol, taking the 13th Street exit, which happens to be the same exit that the thousands of college baseball fans around the world take to go to Rosenblatt Stadium, the site of the College World Series. It was a pre-opening celebration, and I was there just in time for the traffic and the fireworks. I sat in my car watching the red brake lights blink and the red, white, and blue fireworks explode. There were some purple and green too, I think, but baseball is America's pastime, so the red, white and blue seemed to be the colors of choice.

I arrived in Sokol just in time to see a big, burly Sokol worker frantically screaming, "Call the cops! Call the cops right now! Get that guy off stage!" This was a bit alarming. I imagined a guy with a gun jumping onstage and being psychotic. What I didn't picture was the half of the duo Services totally naked onstage. He was promptly escorted off stage and arrested. The other half of the duo proceeded to fake hang himself with his tie, making a face not unlike Harold in the opening of Harold and Maude. Quite the fireworks to open the night!

The energetic, dance-tastic members of The Faint kept the night's fireworks alive with their driving bass, pulsing beats, and super fine dance moves. They played a lot of their classics, such as "Worked Up So Sexual", "Glass Danse", "Take Me to the Hospital", "Agenda Suicide", "Paranoiattack", and "Posed to Death" (love this song). They also played about 4 new songs. One was slower, one was about "ever growing centipedes", another was introduced as "The Geeks Were Right."

They came out and said, "It's great to be home," getting a huge cheer from the hometown crowd who had already gotten into the dancing mood from the beats coming out of the Sokol speakers before The Faint even came on.

It was great to see the classic moves of the band: Jacob's 360s and full backbend touch the floor moves. Todd's gospel revival movements, air drum playing along with the beat, and smiles. Clark's hard hitting, sweaty long hair thrashing on the drums. DaPose's side to side hip move/slide, often accompanied by a snap...pretty flamboyant looking for someone who looks they could've been in Slayer. And Joel's more subtle arms up, occasional rocking out, otherwise bobbing to the beat. It's oddly comforting to see a band you haven't seen in awhile displaying their signature styles and's the same for Sleater-Kinney, Le Tigre, the White Stripes, etc. It brought a smile to my face and made me feel kind of like everything was right in the world. Who knew that rock/dance music could provide security and stability as well as the feeling of freedom and endless possibility?

Todd made a point about how his friend was arrested for "being in the most natural state of himself he could be in." He then conducted an informal poll of if people really minded nudity. The majority seemed not to mind nudity, but I have to say, the vote was quite close. This was probably a little closer to Todd's heart considering he was also arrested for indecent exposure when he mooned the crowd while on tour with No Doubt. Maybe a group will be started: Rock crusaders for Nudity. They already have a few members in Omaha.

Sokol was also super hot. I was in the balcony and danced about 90% less than usual, and was still sweating. The majority of the attendees were completely soaked, including the 50 year old couple that I walked out behind. Their button downs and khaki shorts were soaked through and sticking to their skin. I hope they thought it was worth it. They stayed the whole time, which says something.


Jamie P said...

Nice pictures and review. Very professional. Too bad I wasn't there with you!

laura h said...

the description of the dance moves is what really brought me back to the sweaty, packed, dancing clubs. i really wish i could've seen the gospel-revival moves and air drumming along with the beat -- those guys always cheer me up. i also remember seeing them at the majestic and eating at the majestic cafe beforehand (yam fries and honey - yum!) and they wre eating there too...also a classic moment for me was when i saw them in NYC at CMJ with cayce and she like made a barrier around me when the show started to protect me from these big drunk guys and then yelled at them and goes, "it's just that she's really small and you're like really big." but we danced it up anyway and the floor was shaking. glad to hear that the old couple stuck it out til the end. thinknig of all of these shows (and of being protected) made me think of when rachel and heather saved me from that Bi--h at the S-K show at U of I -- the one in the turtle neck who actually grabbed the back of my neck and then rachel grabbed her arm and said "don't be mean" and the entire time heather was just in the background like, "are you serious? is this for real? are you really serious that you just did that?" it was awesome. oh to be young again.

Patrick said...

Sorry I missed the fake hanging, as you know Harold & Maude is my favorite movie of all time! Along with the hanging Harold had many other methods of fake suicide with my favorite being when he chopped off his fake hand, mainly because of the reaction of the girl he was with.