Sunday, June 3, 2007

Falling behind

I really need to catch up on my posts. So much has occurred. I finally finished a post about my last class at USC (see a few posts below). Still haven't written about my graduation -- I think I'll skip that. You get it, I graduated. I was a flag bearer. I shook Clint Eastwood's hand. Then there was the very big development of moving out of my L.A. apartment and to Omaha, Marianne Faithfull concert (!), road trip with CB to Omaha, Jamie and Erin's graduation and party, Fort Omaha Film Conference, the Millard West lacrosse championship and multiple trips to Dairy Queen.

I also never wrote more detailed posts on Stephanie Daley or Away From Her, something I was considering doing because I really loved those films and think they should be promoted as much as possible...not to mention that they were both directed by women, which is somewhat beside the point, but exciting nonetheless.

So, Midwestern updates, details and photos coming. Get excited...


Erin said...

You know why you are falling behind? I can answer that. Some theories include:

1. Duval's Curse (damn Duval!)
2. All those trips to Dairy Queen take up precious blogging time. Was it worth it? Only you can answer that essential question.
3. the distraction of your wonderful sister, Erin. You just HAVE to spend time with her, and even the time spent away blogging seems futile

Lindsay said...

Your theories do ring of truth. However, DQ was and still is worth it.