Saturday, March 31, 2007

Gilmore Photos

At the graduation scene. Logan (Matt Czuchry) is on the right.

Rory and Logan rehearsing an important scene. I wish Rory was really wearing this in the scene.

Friday, March 30, 2007

You know you're sick when...

You write pages on the Gilmore Girls filming that you've witnessed (that might not actually be an indication), you walk to Fred's to get chicken noodle soup and the few blocks seem long, and you rent The Pursuit of Happyness because your head hurts too much to read the subtitles on The Edukators.

The Lorelais are gone

No more Gilmore Girls. The fun and allure of coming to campus is now gone. I arrived at campus at 12:15 (slightly early for work, just in case they were still filming) and the lights were gone. No more tents, no more Gilmore Girls chairs propped around to brighten my day, no more Stars Hollow denizens walking around campus. Just as soon as they came, they were gone. I should have pushed myself to come earlier this morning, as I thought I overheard from a crew member last night that they were filming some more the following morning (this morning) but he thought they would be done by lunch. Oh well. I'll still have the memories.

Now I will give kind of a more detailed wrap-up of my Gilmore experience. Probably more detailed than you care for. It all started on Wednesday. It was a clear and sunny day, one that seemed just like any other L.A. Wednesday. That is until I received a message while at work from my friend Dave informing me to sit down because he had big news -- which was that Gilmore was filming right now outside Norris, mere yards away from where I was working diligently at the Dean's Office! I then received both a voice-mail message and text message from Jeff giving me the same news. I called Jeff and he was already on his way, camera in tow. So I worked a few minutes longer and then met him at Norris.

They were filming a scene where Lorelai, Richard and Emily walk down the pathways near the Cinema School, ending near the fountain outside Norris. It was easy to spot Lorelai and Emily, as they were wearing bright fuchsia and aqua dresses respectively (Jeff has a photo of this). Richard is also quite an imposing man, so he was easy to follow too. Jeff was saying how he wondered where Alexis was because he had heard that she was there. Cue Alexis, who walked right past us (from behind) in jeans, a zip-up hooded sweatshirt, boots, and sunglasses, looking like quite the relaxed, TV/movie star she is. She walked about 10 feet past us and plopped down on a small grassy knoll and laid down. So we sauntered over to the knoll (no closer than we already were, just a few feet to the right) and sat down as well. We alternated watching the scene and watching Alexis nap, all the while Jeff taking some photos while I provided cover (they told us no photos). Again, these photos can be seen here.

Then that scene wrapped and I was going to head back to the Dean's Office. Jeff parted to take some more photos. Then I thought that I should ask Jeff to send me updates on what scenes they were filming, so I headed through the fountain area, right past Lorelai in a huge jacket talking to another woman. I was walking kind of fast, because I knew I needed to get back, and I nearly ran into someone (it was kind of crowded and chaotic) and stopped and was face to face with Emily. I was then a little scared because I nearly bumped into her and I momentarily thought she was her character, so I scurried off and found Jeff. Then the entire cast and crew walked right past us to break for lunch.

I had perfect timing that day, because right when I got off work at 5 is right when they were ready to start shooting the next scene, a heated exchange between Rory and Logan where something major happens. Jeff has reported the spoiler at the end of his blog, so if you want to know you can go there. I will keep it a secret. Alexis was pretty adorable throughout. She was wearing her boots in all the close-ups, so check out Logan's eyeline and see if it isn't a few inches lower than it's supposed to be. We were pretty close to her chair (though no photos from our position there, kind of awkward), where she would return after every take. After the first or second take she said, "That was pretty bad, wasn't it?" She would also sometimes make faces like she didn't know if she had gotten it or not. Someone on the crew complimented her on one take and she was smiling and said, "You thought that one the best?" She also checked and talked on her Blackberry (she paces, like I do, while on the phone -- I was happy to see that commonality), she looked at the script a few times, and drank Canada Dry ginger ale. She stayed kind of to herself for most of the shoot. Though she appears to get along well with Matt Czuchry (who plays Logan) and Jeff has a nice photo of Alexis and Liza Weil (who plays Paris) sitting by each other talking.

Jeff and I left while they were still filming. I had to go home to take Rufus out, get a jacket and eat, but we agreed that we would both probably come back later that night to watch them film a carriage scene, which we did. We left again at 9 with Rufus with us for the night portion of Gilmore.

So, Jeff and I speculated about who would be in the carriage. Would it be Logan and Rory, Logan making another romantic, grand gesture to win back Rory's affection? Or possibly Luke and Lorelai, echoing the episode in which they took a carriage ride together at the opening of the Dragonfly Inn? Surprise! It was Lorelai and Rory, taking a carriage ride down the pathways between the Libraries and Taper Hall, not what I would think of as an ideal location. But it's TV and I'm sure they'll make it look much different. Here's a shot:

And another one. It's blurry, but closer:

All went well until they brought the horses out. Then Rufus started barking and I politely escorted him from the set. It was cool to see how they filmed it and to see the two of them together, but it wasn't the most ideal viewing experience because they are driving around in an oval and unless you want to walk alongside them, you can only see pieces of it. But fun nonetheless. We left when they wrapped at about 11:45.

I got home and took Rufus on a short walk before bed and he ran off after an oppossum in the alley/driveway on Lyman. He was faster than the gross-looking little creature so he would chase it away from me, get in front of it, then chase it back at me. We made quite the scene. I was yelling his name, lights were going on in the apartments around me, and a group was congregated across the street watching (luckily it was dark). I would walk a few feet in, trying to get his attention or possibly grab his leash, but then the possum would turn towards me and start running and I would then back up out of the driveway, at times turning and running. Basically, it was a human/animal Laurel and Hardy skit. Luckily the opposum and Rufus walked away unharmed.

Gilmore Update Day 2 coming later...and more photos...

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Feeling lonely and so cold...

Jeff posted some photos of our Gilmore-watching from yesterday here. Rumor has it that they are filming today and tomorrow on campus too, so I hope to catch some more Gilmore action today. Details, updates, and maybe photos later...

2:30 pm update: They filmed a scene or two this morning that I missed (I knew they were shooting, but felt guilty for spending so much time watching Gilmore shoot...I do also have a life). Got on campus at 1:15, Cynthia met me here on her lunch break, but unfortunately they were also on their lunch break. Crew was setting up for more coverage of the actual graduation. Here's a photo from that setup (Branford is one of Yale's residential colleges, the college that Rory attends and where Richard is an Alumnus):

3:05 pm update: I left work for 20 min. and timed it perfectly. I arrived just in time to see Rory graduate. I felt so proud of her. She walked across the stage, flipped her tassel and looked into the crowd (presumably at Lorelai) and smiled her Rory smile. It was quite a historic moment. It felt so real. I wanted to cheer or cry, but I restrained myself.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

If you're out on the road...

I have just come from USC where they were (and still are) shooting an episode of Gilmore Girls, the best show on television. I saw Richard, Emily, Lorelai, Rory, and Logan. It's graduation at Yale. They are supposed to be filming a nighttime carriage scene, so I will be heading back to campus tonight with Jeff and Rufus. Very exciting. Jeff took some photos, which I am sure he will post somewhere. I will provide updates and details later.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Reform School

Besides Sprinkles, another cool place that I recently went to in L.A. (again with my mom and aunt) that I had never been before is this little place called Reform School in Silver Lake. It's by Lovecraft Biofuels...I had never seen it before and I often drive past that strip of Sunset. Anyway, it's a really cool place that has stuff made by independent artists, like pillows, tote bags, t-shirts and artwork. The store also offers a lot of interesting, design-oriented weekly planners (!!) and other journal/school/stationery/writing style products which are pretty much my favorite things in the well as books and cool cards and such. They have stuff by Yoshitomo Nara, Mike Mills, and Nikki McClure just to name a few. A lot of the art is made with re-used and recycled materials as well.

It's pretty small and nothing groundbreaking, but it was a nice surprise of a store. I like the clouds hanging from the ceiling...they are Science of Sleep-ish. They also have a converted machine where you can put $5 (in quarters) in and instead of getting cigarettes you get a little art book (you can choose the artist). I really wanted to get one, but didn't. Next time.

Here is their website, which is pretty much just photos of the store right now, but you can get a sense of the place, and an online store is coming soon...


So I finally had cupcakes from Sprinkles, the cupcake of choice of both Paris and Oprah. If they could hook the two of them, I figured I had a good chance of being somewhere between them on the cupcake preference spectrum. And I was right. They were very delicious. I waited with my mom and Aunt Linda, who were in town, with about 45 other people in line. Was it worth it? I would say so. I think the waiting is all part of it, it adds to the allure and standing outside of those glass doors (closed for keeping in the freshness) adds to the feeling of exclusivity. Plus, when the door opens and two more people come out, you get the added allure of a wonderful baking cupcake smell. We got red velvet, peanut butter, dark chocolate, lemon, carrot, black and white, vanilla, milk chocolate, and chocolate coconut. I think that chocolate coconut is my favorite. You can see some of them here:

And here is our response to the cupcakes:

Monday, March 26, 2007

Magically delicious

Lucky Charms are SO good at night.

Friday, March 23, 2007

The Sopranos: Canine Style

Dramatic update to my last post. I actually knew of this little addendum to the story yesterday, but for some reason did not feel the need to include it. I did see Year of the Dog last night (well the first half of it, at least), so perhaps the pro-animal rights bent of the movie caused this change of heart. Who says that movies don't have a direct relation to our beliefs and behavior? Or maybe I just wanted to keep it light yesterday. But this world is a dark place, and I don't condone hiding the truth. In any case, our female black lab friends, Lucky and Flo, are in danger. Word on the streets is that the Malaysian pirates are not happy with them and their sniffing skills. The pirates took strong offense to the major bust that they carried out last week. They lost $3-4 million in sales and equipment. Malaysia is also, I believe, the #1 exporter of these stolen goods to America (but I don't have a citation on that). The "pirate syndicate" (love that term, actually used by Reuters) has put a hit out on the dogs. The bounty is unspecified, but c'mon, they're Malaysian DVD pirates, you don't know what they're willing to do to send a strong message.

I have faith in the amazing abilities of Lucky and Flo and their survival skills. But if you feel like it, send a little psychic love (or a prayer, if you're so inclined) their way and the next time you think about purchasing a pirated DVD or CD off the streets think of a little black lab puppy with soulful eyes squealing in pain.

I'll keep you updated on this saga...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

DVD sniffing dogs

Really the title of this post says it all. Police in Malaysia (in accordance with the Motion Picture Industry here in L.A.) have trained a few black labs to have the ability to sniff out DVDs. This was done with the intention of cracking down on pirated DVDs in the area. Apparently the dogs are very good at what they do, because they led to a bust that confiscated about $4 million in illegal DVDs.

They do not, however, have the ability to discern between illegal and legal DVDs -- that would be amazing! I'm just wondering what the home lives for these dogs are. Can their owners not own any DVDs? I also enjoy picturing the dogs pulling their policing owners to all the Malaysian Blockbusters in the area.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


I saw snow. I saw snow in Detroit, Omaha, and on the tops of mountains I passed from California to Michigan and Nebraska - don't ask me the names of those states, because I couldn't tell you. So I have the honor of adding another year of my life to observing the Earth's seasonal changes. Whew, that was close.

Somewhere in Middle America

Above is what I've been doing in Omaha. Those are pictures taken from Jamie's new laptop, the same computer that I am currently using with the newly installed wireless in our house. I should also mention that I also got a new laptop (an early graduation present, now I just have to make sure I graduate) -- very exciting. The photo booth with its multiple distortions have provided endless entertainment. In honor of the new computers bought in Omaha, I will list some of the other great things about Omaha: no traffic, neighbors who wave when you drive by, Dairy Queen, Sonic chocolate cream pie milkshakes, discounted Caribou cold press coffee with cinnamon, cheap grocery stores, wireless at home, DVR in basement, basketball hoop in driveway, ping pong table in basement, backyard, and that is just off the top of my head.

So what else have I been doing here besides taking pictures with our new laptops? I have played tennis, basketball (including pig and around the world), Wii (my high score in bowling is now a 246) and watched TV (Grey's, old Gilmore, SNL, Weeds) and college basketball. And I visited Dairy Queen and Sonic -- Reese's peanut butter cup blizzards and chocolate cream pie shakes are better than I remember. I also took Sadie, who could learn a few tips from Rufus, for walks. I have also slept a lot and I currently have a bad cold. I have not done any writing, but I have been doing some reading. It has been fun and relaxing, but it has gone by very fast. I was supposed to come back to L.A. yesterday, but my plane was stuck on the East Coast, so I should be returning to L.A. and real life tonight. The transition will be tough.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

If I were black...

This is what the Human Race Machine showed me I would like.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Late but obligatory Oscar comments

I will keep this brief. And without much rhyme or reason.

Great things:
Beyonce's performance: stunning, energetic, show-stopping. Highlight of the show.

Forest Whitaker: poetic, captivating, quixotic. Deserved to win. Looked good and gave a great speech.

Other positives:
Meryl Streep (especially her response to comment about her 14 nominations "...and I'm a size 14" and her straight face during Devil Wears Prada bit)

Mark Wahlberg, just for being himself

Milena Canonero (costume designer for Marie Antoinette), insanely talented and all-around awesome

Will Ferrell's hair, basically a loose perm

Runners up: Gwyneth Paltrow, Guillermo del Toro, Ryan Gosling
Honorable mentions: Kate Winslet, Helen Mirren

Marty tearing up when Thelma won for editing

Not cute:
Celine Dion's number

Noticeably absent/wish they were there:

Dakota Fanning, Donnie Wahlberg, Sofia Coppola


Philip Seymour Hoffman's near-dreadlocks
Jessica Biel's inclusion. More specifically, why is she there and not Dakota Fanning?
Jack Nicholson

Leonardo would stop slicking his hair back, even though he still looked handsome.
More attention would have been given to Spike Lee's "French auteur" look.