Thursday, September 25, 2008

behind the times

I've been so behind in posting lately. Entries related to fireworks and vertigo are coming soon. I promise.

What I've been doing while not writing here: moving, painting, writing stuff that I actually get paid for (albeit not that much), taking some photos, seeing some shows, surfing the web, grading stuff, teaching, playing outside with dogs, thinking about writing on this blog, thinking about making movies, thinking about making books, watching the blooper reel of last season's The Office, laughing, watching Gossip Girl, trying to drink more water, trying to stay on top of to-do lists, failing at staying on top of to-do lists, eating, e-mailing, sleeping, searching for bookshelves, returning to Pub Quiz, losing at Pub Quiz, thinking about getting a massage, thinking that I'm so behind on New Yorkers, thinking that I should be doing more to help Barack Obama get elected, missing my sisters, being sad about David Foster Wallace's death, recycling, listening to crickets, trying to understand the financial crisis and how it happened, looking away from roadkill, wanting to make stuff, drinking tea, meeting new people, looking forward to Laura visiting, planning a music video, getting annoyed with my phone, smelling Rufus' head, thinking I need to go to the dentist sometime soon, racking up library fines, and making lists.

Omissions/additions: missing Erica, getting so close to finishing my Finger #2 piece.

Further amendment: REALLY missing my sisters.


Jeff said...

You forgot:
finishing your The Finger #2 piece.

Erica said...

and missing me.

Lindsay said...

Thanks for pointing these out to me, I will amend my list.

Jamie P said...

If you're still doing amendments, I personally think you should emphasize how much you miss your sisters.