Monday, February 12, 2007


This rocket is a symbol of the official kick-off of this project. I'm writing project because I don't really like the word blog. I am going to try to get this off the ground, but we'll see...

I feel like this might be a fun little experiment and something new and kind of exciting. And it has been a great way for me to avoid doing my work tonight, and will probably continue to divert my attention in the future.

Just as a sort of disclaimer, this does seem kind of narcissistic and I don't even really like the worldwide web. I have even more distaste for our culture's increasing trend towards public confession/sharing/exhibitionism/reality television media circus. However, I am all for self-expression, art, photos, writing and sharing with friends and family. Also I've been trying to be better about keeping in touch with people, so this might help. It's also nice that it's a democratizing medium, where anyone's voice can be heard, even if what you have to say is very boring. And it's good to get more in the habit of writing. Anyway, this pro and con thing could go back and forth, but I'm trying to commit here. So, no more disclaimers for me. What I write may be boring, pointless, or sound pretentious, but I'm going to try to do it anyway. I welcome all comments, critiques, sarcasm, encouragement and gifts.


courtney rae said...

You are a complete nerd-and may I add very long-winded.However if this is the only way you are going to respond to my tunes on your answering machine than I will participate.Well,I have class so I must be off-and since I AM narcissistic it is only fitting that I am the first and most important person to respond to this little expirement. I will also make sure that you recieve at least a few pictures of me soon-don't worry. I will try to be clothed!! Love courtney rae

To all Lindsay's LA friends, yes,I am a professional country singer.

laura h said...

after much wavering, i am glad yo decided to dive right in and start this 21st century communication project (even facing the shame of starting a blog). i also find the photo of a rocket appropriate for its launch considering your heart does belong to NASA. however, rockets make me think about the current nasa love traingle scandal, and now i have the image of ms. nowak racing across the country wearing pull-ups stuck in my head once again. (kind of like charlie's ears). i personally am excited to hear from all of the lost friends around the country and their various going ons. and courtney, i enjoyed jesus christ superstar very much -- it was quite powerful and emotional.

courtney rae said...

Lindsay, when are you going to cast me? Seriously, I am getting offers left and right but my loyalty belongs to you. Also,you should start a blog with ms. nowak and discuss pull-ups since I believe you know a thing or two about them.Laura, thank you for the compliment and stay tuned for more!!Hope all is going well.

Lindsay said...

Courtney, you do get the award for responding first -- the prize is to be determined, but it may just be the starring role in my next film. No need to send in an audition tape after that Jesus Christ Superstar message. In fact I should think about doing a musical. I really did like the song, I'm not being sarcastic. I saved it so that I can listen to it anytime day or night. I'll be looking forward to the photos.